Sexually transmitted Infections, commonly known as (STI), are diseases that can be transmitted through sexual interactions with persons already infected with it. These diseases are also known as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or venereal diseases (VD).
Types Of Infections(STI)
Chlamydia is the most common organism responsible for causing most STDs. It infects the cervix in women, and the penile urethra in men. Its most frequent symptoms are pain during sex, and discharge from the penis or vagina.
Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is an infection affecting the urinary tract. If the infection occurs in the lower part of the urinary tract it is called cystitis or a bladder infection. If the infection affects the upper part of the urinary tract, it is called pyelonephritis or a kidney infection.
Gonorrhea, a common bacterial STD infection caused by Gonococcal organisms has similar long-term effects like Chlamydia. Symptoms of gonorrhea include burning when urinating and, in men, white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease with a notorious history. Caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, it can lead to serious complications if left untreated.
Syphilis is transmitted by direct contact with syphilis sores, which can appear on the external genitals and the mouth, as well as in the vagina or rectum. Because these sores can appear on areas not covered by a condom, condoms only reduce the likelihood of transmission, but not eliminate it entirely. The small painless sores (chancres) of early syphilis may heal by themselves, but that doesn’t mean the disease is gone — it just become more difficult to detect and treat.
Symptoms Of Infections (STI) May Include:
Painful urination
Blood in urine
Pain during sex
Severe vagina discharge
Breast milk
Frequent urination
Discomfort in the lower abdomen
The feeling of urgency and need to urinate but unable to.|
If you been diagnosed with infections (STI) and you’re looking for a natural, safe and easy way to permanently remove it and prevent its recurrence, then Our 100% 2 in 1 Infection Solution will help you eliminate the above infections (STI) in the shortest possible time.